Thursday, May 21, 2009

Star Trek

I have to admit it: the Trekkies were right all along. Star Trek is back, and it's sexier than ever.

As a hardcore Star Wars fan, I long scoffed at fans of what I saw as the decidedly inferior, er, geekdom. But while my beloved universe has gone the way of the Jar-Jar and Midichlorian, Star Trek has suddenly gotten... awesome.

I'd watched a couple of the old Star Trek movies (the Save the Whales one, some newer ones) in the past and maybe an episode or two while channel-surfing, but I'd never been too impressed. Honestly, I'd always thought Trekkies gave real Sci Fi fans a bad name.

I take it all back now.

Anyways, so I came in to the movie with a limited background... and still got plenty of the delightful references it made. And I loved 'em! At this point Star Trek has really become such a part of the pop cultural lexicon that you can't help but laugh at the Vulcan salute, or "phasers on stun" or "beam me up", I mean, I could go on... you'd think that would've made an origin film a bit of a challenge. But Abrams not only makes this classic trek stuff work, he makes it fun. Even as a novice to this franchise, I enjoyed the hell out of this movie --- just as many lifelong, die-hard fans did.

...Or did they?

Trekkies Bash New Star Trek Film As 'Fun, Watchable'

Seriously, this movie's a must-see. It has it all: Sylar in space, Kumar with a sword, hot green alien chicks, crazy bad guys with brain slugs, a giant bug battle and, if all that was not enough, a full-on disruption of the space-time-continuum.

Bottom-line: Star Trek blew me away. So much so that I suddenly find myself watching old episodes online.

I'm already looking forward to the sequel.

Rating: 4.5 Stars

1 comment:

  1. Well, I used to feel the same way you did about Star Trek. Guess I'm gonna have to see this movie.
